Who We Are


“Educatif Heritage has carved a niche in the field of career counseling over the years by virtue of its organized approach, professional attitude and knowledgeable mentors. It was in 1997 that Educatif Heritage was incepted by a team of young and dynamic people under the able leadership of Dr S S Singh (Eminent Public Speaker, Column Writer of Leading Newspapers, Expert Counselor and a Dynamic Personality).”

Educatif Heritage has now completed 25 splendid years in its field and in the course, it has achieved several milestones in form of honors and awards from Eminent Personalities and Institutions of high Repute.

Good wishes of thousands of students and their parents have always helped Educatif Heritage in sustaining its position in the realm of Career Counseling & Guidance.

Chairman's Message

In this era of competition, career options are experiencing a multifold growth every decade thus creating cobwebs of dillema in students about what course of study they must choose so as to suit best to their ability and interest. Observing this, our Chairman, Dr S S Singh has been guiding students about the courseware, job prospect and future of various career oriented courses for over 25 years now. Dr Singh believes that right guidance can make students outdo in their careers.

Director's Message

“पढ़ाई एक तपस्या है और पढ़ाई करने वाले को अपना लक्ष्य देखना चाहिए नाकि ऐश-ओ-आराम” ऐसा कहना है Educatif Heritage के Director, सत्यम कुमार जी का।सत्यम जी मानते हैं कि हर छात्र में सफल होने की क्षमता होती है और वह अपने करियर में शीर्ष पर पहुँच सकता है बशर्ते उसे सही मार्गदर्शन मिले। छात्रों को उनकी क्षमता और योग्यता अनुसार उपयुक्त कोर्स के प्रति सजग करने एवं उचित बजट वाले संसथान में नामांकन दिलाने में तत्पर सत्यम कुमार जी गत 12 वर्षों से Educatif Heritage के साथ हैं एवं छात्रों में बढ़ती हुई उचित करियर सलाह की आवश्यकता को देखते हुए  संस्था को राज्य के कई छोटे बड़े शहरों गांवों तक पहुँचाने में प्रयत्नशील हैं।